I believe that I'll be skipping the Cotton Bowl this year. I'm sure this is a shocker since I've been desperate to attend a game all year, and here Tech will be playing 30 miles from my house.
Why? There is really a two part answer as to that question...
First, I realized on Saturday that Tech had already sold their allotment of tickets even though Tech had not been officially selected for the Cotton Bowl at that point. I looked on the Cotton Bowl's website and they also appeared to be running really low. I made a phone call to my friend who I was possibly going to go with and said, if we are going then we need to get on this ASAP, give me a call back today. Apparently, I did not have enough urgency in my voice, because that didn't happen. By the time I got back in touch with them on Sunday night, the Cotton Bowl website was so crowded that you had to be put in a queue to even get through. I check early this morning and the only seats available were way upper end zone. All tickets were $100, and that seemed like a lot to pay for crappy seats when I could have good seats from my couch for free.
Second, and maybe most importantly, every single Tech bowl game I have ever attended has resulted in a loss. Many of you know how superstitious I am about Tech football, so I'm willing to "take one for the team" and stay at home if that will result in a Tech victory!