Lola is very excited that after a million trips that I have made to the Coach store, I FINALLY came home with something for her...a new collar. Of course, Lola could have had one from every high end designer for what her vet bills have cost this year, so since I'm about tapped out of cash, I guess lucky for us both that the Coach outlet store had them on sale for $29!
I though I had really hit a bargain and initially bought her two (one was on sale for $10), but of course the sale one was a "fake" small and was way too huge for her, so it had to be returned. This was the one I really like though, so I'm happy it fits and is so cute with summery colors!
Here is the collar from about every angle so that you can see what it really looks like. She was acting kind of nutso, so it was difficult to get a good shot.

I though I had really hit a bargain and initially bought her two (one was on sale for $10), but of course the sale one was a "fake" small and was way too huge for her, so it had to be returned. This was the one I really like though, so I'm happy it fits and is so cute with summery colors!
Here is the collar from about every angle so that you can see what it really looks like. She was acting kind of nutso, so it was difficult to get a good shot.
Holy Cow! This isn't a very flattering photo of Lo. She looks like she has donkey ears!