Hopefully, this is where I'll be this time tomorrow!

I just had Lou Dobbs on (accidentally, I don't like Lou) and heard him yammering on about the U.S. State Department's travel advisory against going to Mexico. Oh well, I just changed the channel and will try real hard to forget that I ever heard that!
I've been working real hard to get everything done. I finished my first summer syllabus last night and e-mailed it to my department chair (it's not due until the June 4th, so be real impressed that I didn't wait on that!). I just finished mowing and have been working on all the other details.
Got my "Mexico Money"!

My carry-on is mostly packed. It will contain the things I couldn't bare to get ripped off or things to get by if the unthinkable happened... It will have my make-up, clarisonic (decided I couldn't go that long without it), a pair of underwear, pj's, swimsuit, cover-up, and a hat...

This is where you should be really impressed... First of all, have you ever seen a suitcase this cute before? I got it for Christmas and LOVE it! I was able to get all my clothes and other toiletries, etc. in it! I am such an overpacker that I hope I won't be missing anything, but I really tried to restrain myself to get it all into one bag!

Adios Amigos!
Have fun, don't get taken for ransom!