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Easter 2014

For Easter, we went to my uncle's house in Dallas.  I made a salad, deviled eggs, and some coconut cream eggs.  We had tons of food as you can see...

My mom made the mini strawberry lemon pies from last month's Southern Living...

This year I tried a new trick for boiling the eggs for deviled eggs.  AND IT TOTALLY WORKED!  Here's the trick:  flip your eggs over in the carton so that you are storing them "upside down".  Do it like a day or two before, and then the yolk will be in the center of each instead of all wonky in at least half of them!  Seriously, you can see how perfect they were...

Pretty dining room and table too...

My cousins...

The coconut cream eggs were super good.  You could totally make them into candy balls instead of eggs, and then you don't have to wait until next Easter to make them!

Here's the recipe:

Coconut Cream Eggs

8 ounces of softened cream cheese
1 TBSP softened butter
4 cups powdered sugar
1 cup of shredded coconut
1 TBSP shortening
2 cups Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

Using a mixer, beat together cream cheese and butter until blended.  Incorporate the powdered sugar, and then the coconut.

Refrigerate the mixture for one hour, or until easy to mold with your hands.  Dust your hands with powdered sugar, and mold the mixture, placing them on a baking sheet lined with wax paper.

Place in freezer for 2 hours or until eggs are firm.   Melt chocolate chips and shortening in microwave* by heating for 30 seconds, then stirring, and repeating until melted and smooth.  Dip eggs in chocolate mixture until completely coated.  Place back on wax paper and refrigerate until hardened.**

*I used a double boiler and found that not to be ideal, because it was melting my eggs quickly.  So the microwave is probably best.

**I found that the kept best in the refrigerator until you were ready to eat them!


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