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Europe 2024 {Day 7~Innsbruck, Austria}

On December 19th, I took a train to Innsbruck, Austria and arrived by about 10:00.  Though I had a dirty window on the train, there were still some pretty sights as I got closer to Innsbruck.

I took a taxi to the hotel, but the hotel would not let me check-in until 2:00 "because that is when check-in is".  They also wouldn't allow me to have a discount card for sights around Innsbruck "because you don't get that until check-in and check-in isn't until 2:00".  Not the most welcoming attitude, but at least they kept my bags for me!

I was hungry and had seen a McDonalds up the road and thought an Egg McMuffin sounded good, so that's where I went first.  But Austrian McDonalds doesn't serve Egg McMuffins anymore (I know I've had one in Vienna before) so I tried some other terrible breakfast offering instead.  I then set out to see the sights of Old Town Innsbruck.

The Golden Roof and mountains...

This was Emperor Maximilian I's residence in Innsbruck.

St. James' Cathedral

I am not 100% sure, but I think this would have been where the Emperor would have sat during services.  I've seen similar in other churches which were attended by the Austro Hungarian Emperor.

The nativity in the church's square
Next I visited the Hofburg.  Built in the 1700's this is one of three palaces the Habsburg's called "Hofburg" (other two in Vienna and Prague).  They don't allow photos inside, but of course I loved "the pink room".
After the Hofburg I wandered around some more and then decided to take the Nordkettenbahn up to Hafelekar.  This leaves right from town and takes you up to the mountains overlooking Innsbruck.  It's a series of three lifts.  The first is kind of like a funicular and then cable cars.  The views are great but it was super windy and cold.
You can see the ski jump stadium from the 1964 and 1976 Olympics.

This was as high up as I was going.  I was absolutely not about to get myself into this icy mess...
This was taken at a midway point where they had a little Christmas market set up.
Once back down, it was after 2:00 so I got into my room (more on that at the end).
 I then took in the Christmas Markets and more sights.

It had followed me to Austria!

Most of the strudel is apple and I don't like apple desserts, but I found this berry one.  It was ok.  It wasn't very sweet, but helped me make it until dinner.

I decided to try to get in for dinner at Weisses Rössl.  I was there right when they opened and they told me I could have the table but they needed it back in an hour.  I told them that wouldn't be a problem so they seated me.  My meal was very good!
And look!  They seated me in an actual dining room instead of hidden in a hallway.
Ok, now let me tell you about my hotel.  I stayed at the Hotel Goldener Adler.  It's an amazing location.  As we've already established, Maximilian at check-in is a bit of a jerk stickler for the rules.

This is the hotel exterior.

I ended up with a corner room and that is my room all lit up.
I couldn't figure out why my room number was 1390.  Like shouldn't it be 311?  Finally I asked and it is because they have been hosting guests since 1390!
My room was a bit odd.  As soon as you walk in, there is a toilet room to the left.
The rest of the bathroom was all the way across the other side of the room.

The views were AMAZING though!  This was the view from my bathroom.
These were the views from the bedroom windows (they were better the day before, but I forgot to take a still photo).
Here's a video of my views
After dinner I was back up in my room and was looking out at the market and could hear music.  I couldn't tell where it was coming from, so I went down to investigate.  I started filming right outside the hotel, so this also gives you a good idea of what a great location it was.
While the location was great, it was so noisy.  Noisy late into the night.  Noisy early the next morning.  

That's a wrap on Innsbruck!


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